====== labelmap変換 ====== クラスリストをlabelmapファイルに変換するためのpythonスクリプト path_class = 'class.list' print('Reading '+path_class ) with open(path_class) as f_class: l = [s.strip() for s in f_class.readlines()] print(l) print('Done') print('Converting class file to labelmap file:') with open('labelmap.txt', mode='w') as f: count = 0 for name in l: f.write('item {\n') if count == 0: f.write(' name: "none_of_the_above"\n') f.write(' label: 0\n') f.write(' display_name: "background"\n') f.write('}\n') else: f.write(' name: "'+l[count-1]+'"\n') f.write(' label: '+ str(count)+'\n') f.write(' display_name: "'+l[count-1]+'"\n') f.write('}\n') count = count + 1 print('Saved labelmap file: labelmap.ptorotxt')